Восстановление пространственной структуры биологических макромолекул в жидком растворе

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Кичкайло Анна Сергеевна задал вопрос
Кичкайло А.С.
10.07.2023 11:55:57

Метод необходим в лаборатории Цифровых управляемых лекарств и тераностики ФИЦ КНЦ СО РАН

Примеры использования:

1.       2010 - Mertens - Structural-characterization-of-proteins-and-complexes-using-small-angle-X-ray-solution-scattering_Journal-of-Structural-Biology

2.       2007 - Svergun - Small-angle scattering studies of macromolecular solutions

3.       2012 - Petoukhov - Applications of small-angle X-ray scattering to biomacromolecular solutions

4.       2013 - Rambo - Super-Resolution in Solution X-Ray Scattering and Its Applications to Structural Systems Biology

5.       2020 - Da Vela - Methods, development and applications of small-angle X-ray scattering to characterize biological macromolecules in solution

6.       2020 - Custodio - Selection, biophysical and structural analysis of synthetic nanobodies that effectively neutralize SARS-CoV-2

7.  2020 - Molodenskiy - An automated data processing and analysis pipeline for transmembrane proteins in detergent solutions

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